IEEE CBMS 2021 invites proposals for organization of special tracks that will be held in parallel with the general conference track. A special track consists of a group of papers in a sub-discipline, such as health informatics, biomedical engineering/technology or a specialized field.
Special tracks are an integral part of most CBMS conferences since 2005. The themes of the special tracks should not overlap with the general conference topics and should focus on emerging research fields. Their papers should report on significant unpublished work and must meet the same standards as main conference papers. All accepted papers are included in the conference proceedings.
Organizer(s) of each Special Track (ST) are responsible for the quality of the papers in their track as well as managing the review process accordingly and assigning Program Committee members as reviewers for the ST. Special Track Chairs in collaboration with the ST organizer(s) and PC chairs will do the final paper selection. A successful special track will consist of at least 4-5 accepted papers per session and 1-3 sessions.
If you are interested in organizing a Special Track, please submit your proposal by email to
Each proposal must include:
- Special track title
- Rough estimate of the expected ST size as number of sessions (with 4-5 papers per session)
- A brief biography of ST organizer(s)
- List of Special Track program committee members
- A draft of Special Track “Call for papers”
- One or two appropriate journals or follow up publications: tracks are expected to organize a special issue